We aLL dO whaT wE LoVe!
SoMetiMes wE haVe thE righT
SoMetiMes wE aRe iN thE wronG.
LiFe iS fuLL oF ChanCeS..
IF oNe doesn'T foLLoW oNe's hearT aNd trusT thaT iT wiLL bE o.K.
oNe neVeR doeS aNythinG..
i waS jusT insPiReD tO PLaY witH thiS PiC..
I hoPe thaT yoU don'T MinD......
it'S jusT foR PersonaL enjoYmenT buT i wanteD to shaRe iT with yoU....
SoMetiMes wE aRe iN thE wronG.
LiFe iS fuLL oF ChanCeS..
IF oNe doesn'T foLLoW oNe's hearT aNd trusT thaT iT wiLL bE o.K.
oNe neVeR doeS aNythinG..
i waS jusT insPiReD tO PLaY witH thiS PiC..
I hoPe thaT yoU don'T MinD......
it'S jusT foR PersonaL enjoYmenT buT i wanteD to shaRe iT with yoU....