a LoT oF PeopLe haVe MoRe thaN i Do..
&&++-- a whoLe loT oF PeopLes haVe a WhoLe LoT LESS...
~~ i'M HaPPy jusT righT wheRe i aM,,,,
buT maYbe iF yoU haVe moRe thaN i dO theN giVe aWaY whaT yoU haVe firST befoRe yoU taKe whaT i haVe tO giVe awaY iN youR naMe oR foR youR saKe = aMeN
how wonderful this is
and so good to be content with where one is at
it is that essence of being
that i think marina was trying to give
or at least
help to create a place for
in peoples lives
that is the most profound gift