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~Barclay Lake--scene of the 'Wooden Leg Mystery~
by sparkyleigh on October 29, 2003
Here we see Toren fishing for trout in Barclay Lake.
I found the prosthetic leg just behind him between snow patches.
Notice the big logs in the lake, they still have their roots because they were torn off the steep slopes above by avalanches and ended up in the lake.
As I mentioned in my last picture post, we watched and listened to massive avalanches far above us that continued nearly to the lake (I will find those photos soon). We even thought maybe it was a dangerous place for us to be during the 1st big melting of the year—especially as we lay in the dark tents at night listening to them thundering down the slopes above us!
This all also means that it is quite likely that the owner of the 'leg' DID hike in to the area and was caught in an avalanche and, like the tree stumps, only the prosthetic survived...
Leigh R. Hilbert

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