
what is?

daily bread
main image
the way i see it
by neene on January 23, 2007

it seems to me
that this vertigo has been a blessing
that it has given me a window into myself
allowing me to see things from a different perspective
to actually allow for things that i have always considered to be weakness
to see them with generosity
not as being undeniable facts confirming my greatest negative feelings
but to be able to accept that everything (including me) has its frailities
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bruce - Jan 24, 2007

gato_gato - Jan 26, 2007

ThaNKs foR thE coMMenTs ^
YoU KnoW I LoVe yoUr ViSioN... ^^
I can'T geT enOUgh oF thiS >>> ^^^
obdada - Jan 28, 2007

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