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OOOhhhh mY GooDneSS
iT HaS bEEn a wHOLe YeaR siNce i maDe a NoTe heRe...
i caN'T beLieVe iT!!!!! BuT ThE TruTh iS HeRe tO See..... ******* sTiLL>>>One DaY aT a TiMe..<<<iS mY MaNTRa ThaT's aLL wE aRe requiReD/aLLoWeD~~~~~ EverYthiNg iS iN GOD's HANDs/ HIS WiLL wiLL BE DoNe,,, %%%%%%% i oNLy praY foR HeaLtH aNd CoNtinuiTy oF tHe PeaCe i aM BLeSSeD wiTh/aT +++ i knOWW oNLy ThrougH HIS BLOOD mY SiN iS waSheD aWaY aNd i aM FrEE fRoM tHe CuRsE oF DeaTh aNd HeLL. ****** PraiSe HIS HOLY NAME.... `.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`..`.`.`..` HALLELUjah AmeN PEACE OUT! |
ALL iS GooD!!!!!
aS tHe WorLd iS TurNiNg
i'M taKinG oNe DaY aT a TiMe.. DepreSSioN iS an eVeR PreSeNT DanGeR BuT tHe SoNLighT keePs aWaY tHe DarKneSS... i oNLy striVe tO eaT whaT maKeS mE HeaLthY== No SaLT oR FaT.. aNd a LiMiT oF 2,500 caLorieS a DaY.. a VeRy difficuLT taSk iN iTseLf.... GOD, i LoVe YOU... ToDaY oN tHe 4th oF JuLy-- I pRaY foR ouR NaTioN aNd aM ThaNkfuL thaT GOD saW fiT tO haVe mE boRn wheN aNd WheRe i waS...... o,K aNd NoW, SWEET PERFECT JESUS, i'M reaDy tO gO (cOMe) hOMe.... |
BroKe mY hearT.
BuT mY SouL wiLL Go oN I wiLL NeVeR sToP LoVinG YoUuuuuuu, JEsuS mY ChrisT |
LiFe/LoVe iS iNfiNiTe !!!
noun chiefly Logic
a sequence of reasoning or justification that can never come to an end. CoLoR starTs aT BlaCk CoLoR StaRts aT WhiTe LiFe iS aLL thE CoLoRs iN BetweeN....... GraNdMoTheR iS anoTher teRm foR NONfiniTe NoiSe oF thE TraSh TrucK.. FouL oDoR oR bLoSSoM PerfuMe. WhicH eVeR/WhaTeVeR GoD SaVe ouR SouLs.. |
I aM..
NoW NothinG tO dO /no responsibiLitieS eXcepT eaT righT tO/ foR thE GLorY oF GoD.... MaKe ART. MaKe ART MaKe aRT |
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