LoVe mE!
I trY tO MaKe BeautiFuL thinGs buT mY souL musT bE darK
aS mY arT someTiMes/usuaLLy comeS ouT weirD..
I reFuSe tO stoP...
sO I jusT dedicaTe ThiS tO GoD anD PraY thaT He wiLL maKe iT aLL righT..... iN JeSuS NaMe.
aS mY arT someTiMes/usuaLLy comeS ouT weirD..
I reFuSe tO stoP...
sO I jusT dedicaTe ThiS tO GoD anD PraY thaT He wiLL maKe iT aLL righT..... iN JeSuS NaMe.